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Allergies in infants - by google |
Quickly Recognize Allergies In Infants And How To Overcome them. Many parents are not fully aware of the allergies experienced by their child. In fact, allergies are one of the common immunity disorders suffered by humans around the world.
What exactly is an allergy? In general, allergy is an immune reaction that deviates/changes from normal and can cause harmful symptoms of the body
Did you know that the origin of the word allergy is Allos, from Greek, which means different or different, and Argon means reaction? So allergies can be summed up as an unusual body reaction. This allergy or hypersensitivity occurs due to the body reacts excessively to something in an environment that is considered foreign and dangerous *
Quickly Recognize Allergies In Infants And How To Overcome them.
What Can Cause Allergies In Infants?
Genetic factors often play an important role in the occurrence of allergies in infants, but other factors are not less important. Another factor that is often the cause of allergies in infants is food and the environment. Allergies because the environment itself is less common than allergies caused by food.
Some foods that most commonly cause allergies include beans, milk, eggs, shellfish, and fish. Meanwhile, allergies caused by the environment usually occurs when the child turns 18 months of age. At that age, toddlers can show allergies to objects that are inside or outside the room. Some things that cause allergies in infants are pollen, dust mites, animal fur, fungus, and cockroaches.
There are also several other causes of allergies that can affect the baby. For example, insect bites that can cause skin swelling, itching, and reddening. Then there are certain medicines and chemicals, such as detergents that can cause allergies in infants as well.
Characteristics of Allergies In Infants
- Shortness when newborn. Babies feel breathlessness shortly after birth. This happens until the age of 3 days and improves after 7-10 days. Usually accompanied by an enlarged thymus gland.
- Mouth hypersensitivity. White patches are difficult to distinguish from fungi and sometimes the spots arise together with a yeast infection. Lips appear dry and in some babies darker lips darker color. Excess baby saliva, babies often stick out the tongue and often spit out saliva.
- Nose sensitive. Often sneezing, nasal droppings are numerous, the nose is so dead end that if drinking breast milk only on one side of the breast and often choked while drinking milk. There are several techniques of breastfeeding so that the baby can not easily choke and hiccup,
- Sensitive eyes. The eyes are often watery.
- Sensitive skin. Baby's skin often has rashes or reddish spots, especially on the cheeks, ears and diaper-covered areas. The existence of black marks like mosquito bites. Eyes, ears, and areas around the hair are often itchy. Ears are excessive and sometimes slightly smelly.
- Yellow appears on the surface of the skin. Prolonged yellowing of the baby's skin can be identified as a gastrointestinal disorder with complaints of obstipation and constipation.
- Gastrointestinal disorders. The presence of gastrointestinal disorders is characterized by frequent vomiting or spitting up, bloating, hiccups, frequent exhaust, often restless especially at night.
- Excessive motor activity. In addition to the above symptoms, usually, babies who have allergies will be accompanied by disruption of motor activity. Characteristics of infants who have motor disorders such as easily bored of toys and a narrow room. Baby's eyes often look up, hands and feet move too much.
a sign of severe allergies (anaphylaxis) in the Small you need to recognize in order to remain vigilant:
- Appears itching or redness in the whole body of the Little One
- Appears congested with breath sounds
- Lips up to face swell
- Lips blue with breath hunt
- A hoarse or abrupt sound occurs suddenly
- Difficult to swallow due to swelling of the throat
- Abdominal pain, nausea, to vomiting
- Followed by the feet and hands of the little one to the cooldown awareness. This can occur either in the Small who has a history of previous allergies or not.
All you have to do when it happens is:
- Keep an eye on the small airway, avoid from choking possibilities. Avoid items that may make a choking, then tilt the Little position.
- Notice the pattern of breathing, do the Little look crowded? Find the appropriate position to reduce the shortness felt by the Small.
- Wrap the pulse or the tip of your toes and little hands, is it cold? If so, warm immediately by covering with a blanket or warm water bag.
If you suspect an anaphylactic reaction, you may give adrenaline auto-inject a disposable adrenaline drug injected into the available muscle at the pharmacy. Immediately bring your child to a doctor or emergency room for further treatment.
Read also : 5 Menu Complementary Foods for Baby Allergy
Steps to Overcome Allergies In Infants
Factors causing allergies in infants one of them is genetic or hereditary factors. If your family has a history of allergies to certain foods then most likely the baby will be affected by allergies. In this case, you should be more selective to choose foods and should consult with a doctor so as not to reduce nutritional intake for your baby.
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Steps to Overcome Allergies In Infants - by google |
As for how to cope with allergies in infants are as follows:
- The first step to prevent allergies in infants is to give exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months. This is because at age under 6 months the baby is very susceptible to allergies because the baby's immune system is still weak.
- During the breastfeeding program, you should be more selective in choosing the type of food to be consumed. Avoid foods that are likely to cause allergies in infants.
- When entering the stage of complementary feeding of ASI, introduce one by one solid food gradually. This aims to avoid the risk of allergies and know which foods are safe and cause allergies.
- If your family is allergic to peanut butter or peanut-based foods, you should avoid these foods when introducing complementary foods.
- Keep babies out of range from substances that can cause allergies such as cigarette smoke, dust or pets.
If a food allergy causes the baby diarrhea then how to treat it is by still giving breast milk. This method is done to prevent the baby from lack of fluids and as a natural antiseptic that will relieve diarrhea.
If your family has been exposed to allergies, you may need to reduce certain types of foods to your baby. This, of course, can eliminate many nutrients from food. Consult a pediatrician who will advise on the type of nutrition your baby needs in the weaning period.
Preventing Allergies
The following steps help prevent baby allergies:
- The period of danger to sensitivity is the first four to six months, so wean out the weaning and continue feeding or formula during this period. Your baby will get all the necessary nutrients from breast milk or formula until she is six months old.
- While breastfeeding, you should be careful of potentially allergenic foods, to prevent babies from allergies through breast milk.
- Introduce baby to solid foods one by one. Spend a few days for each new type of food so you can check it out for an allergic reaction.
- If you care about your family, pay attention to the introduction of peanut butter and other foods from nuts.
- Avoid babies from ingredients that can cause allergies, such as smoke, cigarettes, rash dust, pollen, and pets.
Special Formula
If your baby is allergic to cow's milk and you can not breastfeed, try using baby milk from soybeans. This milk is also given to babies who are not lactose-resistant. Unfortunately, soy itself is the originator of allergies. During the weaning period, soy milk can be given as a drink in a cup.
- Formula milk from soybeans contains sugar, not from milk. Beware of baby's dental health and do not give milk in bottles after the age of one year. Avoid formula feeding between meals and bedtime.
- Soy milk is usually (not baby soy milk), should not be given to the baby being weaned because it does not contain enough calories, vitamins, and calcium
- There is also infant milk that uses cow's milk protein that has been modified specifically for infants who have allergic tendencies
- Sheep or goat milk is sometimes considered less allergic. But there is no scientific evidence about this. Under no circumstances should not give this milk to infants under one year of age because it does not contain enough essential nutrients such as Vitamin A, D, folic acid and iron
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