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Milk is useful for children for the formation of bones and teeth. But what if our child has a milk allergy? This incident often happens to our baby, especially if they are aged under five.
Children at the age of toddlers often experience milk allergies due to their immune system that has not been fully formed. The immune system that should be able to fight bacteria and viruses instead reacts with the proteins contained in milk.
Provision of certain foods will have an allergic effect that causes the child to experience allergy symptoms such as abdominal pain, vomiting, or diarrhea. If your child has these symptoms, let's look at tips and how to overcome milk allergy in the following babies.
1. Avoid Allergy-Driving Foods
According to the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act (FALCPA), there are several types of foods that are at risk for allergies. If your child has allergies due to food, consult your child's condition immediately with your doctor. Also, consult related steps what to do when an allergic reaction occurs in your child.
2. Give Breast Milk Before The Age Steps On 1 Year
If the child is less than 1 year old, breast milk is the best and exclusive food you can give him. Natural nutrition contained in breast milk is very important for the immune system and does not cause allergies in children. But if the child is positive to have a milk allergy, the mother should also reduce consumption of dairy products and dairy products. Milk proteins that the mother of consumption can flow to the baby through breast milk.
3. Immediately Switch to Soya Milk
You can replace animal protein derived from cow's milk into vegetable protein derived from soy milk (soy milk). Soya milk is a lactose-free milk formula that can be used for a child's allergy to cow's milk protein. The excess of soya milk lies in soy protein isolate that has a high protein equivalent to cow's milk protein.
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