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Causes and How to Overcome Allergies in Infants

Baby cute - Causes and How to Overcome Allergies in Infants
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Not only in children and adults, allergies can also occur in infants. Allergies are one of the health problems that babies often have. Yet there are still many parents who do not know the cause and how to cope with allergies in infants. Though if not immediately dealt with properly can cause dangerous complications, because allergies can attack all the organs and body systems.

Allergy is the reaction of the immune system to foreign substances that are inhaled, injected, swallowed, or touched. Allergies occur when the baby is exposed to the allergen, so the body's immune system secretes immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies that trigger the release of histamine which causes allergic symptoms. Since in the womb allergy to the baby can actually be detected even though not 100% correctness. Esophageal reflux or movement hiccups (hiccups) in the fetus and the movement of the fetus in the abdomen are greatly increased especially at night until the morning is a strong predictive factor as an allergy risk infant. The movement is usually accompanied by pain in the pit of the mother's stomach.

In newborns the emergence of allergic reactions can be characterized by the following symptoms:

  • White patches appear on the mouth, lips appear dry, and in some babies darker lips darker color.
  • Excess baby saliva and baby often stick out tongue.
  • Face, lips, and swollen baby tongue.
  • Itching or rash appear on baby's skin.
  • Coughing and sneezing.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders such as vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Babies are fussy because they feel uncomfortable.
  • Missing consciousness or fainting.

Causes of Allergies In Infants

The main cause of allergies in infants is a genetic factor. In addition, there are other factors that can trigger the emergence of allergic reactions, namely food and environmental factors. Food factors are more often the cause of allergies in infants compared with environmental factors.

Foods that often cause allergies in infants include milk, nuts, eggs, shellfish, and fish. Food allergies are more common in infants because they are not perfect for the digestive tract. With increasing age, the digestive tract maturity will improve. Cow's milk is considered the most common cause of food allergies. Some studies reveal that the risk of cow milk allergy in infants in the first year of life is about 2%.

Allergies caused by the environment usually occurs when the baby turns 18 months of age. At that age, the baby will show symptoms of allergies to objects that are inside and outside the room. Environmental factors that cause allergies in infants, including dust, mites, animal fur, pollen, fungi, and insect bites.

How to Overcome Allergies in Infants

Allergic reaction to the baby will not appear suddenly but takes time. The more often the baby comes into contact with the allergen, the faster it will cause allergy symptoms. Therefore, do not be surprised if the baby mother who was initially not allergic to something, but some time later experienced an allergic reaction. If your baby has the following allergy symptoms:
  1. First of all, know the cause of the allergy. By knowing the cause, the mother will be able to prevent the baby from the cause of the allergy.
  2. If allergies are caused by food, then postpone the foods that have the potential to cause allergies in infants. Mother can also consult a doctor if in doubt in the feeding that can cause allergies.
  3. In order to avoid the baby from allergies due to environmental factors, should always keep the mother cleanliness of the home environment, especially the crib. Limit infant's contact with pets and limit the space for the animals. If allergies are caused by pollen-less reduce travel to the open.

That's how to deal with allergies in infants that can be applied. If the method does not work out, you should consult your doctor. Usually, doctors will give antihistamines and steroids to overcome such allergies.


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