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Recognize the characteristics of Eczema and how it is handled

Child with eczema
Child with eczema

Ever heard of eczema disease, or in Indonesia is often called eczema? Eczema or eczema is a type of skin disease commonly experienced by infants or children. Nevertheless, eczema disease can also be experienced by adults as a further impact as children. The background of the occurrence, is an allergy.

Atopic dermatitis or eczema, according to healthy mailing sites; is a chronic and itchy dry skin inflammation that generally begins in early childhood. Eczema can cause unbearable itching, inflammation, and sleep disorders. When scratched, the skin can be peeled and even bleeding. Moreover, if not immediately discontinued, the effects of this disease can cause infection of the skin.

This disease is experienced by about 10-20% of children. Generally the first episode occurs before the age of 12 months and the subsequent episodes will disappear until the child passes a certain period. Most children will recover from eczema before the age of 5 years. A small percentage of children will continue to experience eczema until adulthood. However, eczema is not contagious. This disease, like all other allergies, can not be cured, but proper treatment will prevent the negative impact of the disease on children with eczema and their families.

The cause of eczema

Until now, it is not known exactly what causes the emergence of this disease. However, there are several factors that trigger this eczema:
  1. Family has a history of eczema (genetic or hereditary) disease.
  2. Unstable emotional changes such as depression and stress.
  3. Less healthy diet such as alcohol, foods containing preservatives and chemical dyes.
  4. Direct contact with the environment that causes irritation, such as cigarette smoke and chemicals.
  5. In touch with allergens (Allergens), such as soap, shampoo, cosmetics, dust, powders, pets and so on.
  6. Dry skin.
  7. Create conditions that are too warm for children, such as wrapping children in layers of clothing.
  8. Allergy or intolerance to certain foods.
  9. Viruses and other infections.
  10. Travel to countries with different climates.

There is no cure for atopic eczema yet

Apart from many research studies that have been done, there is still no drug found to treat the disease completely and permanently.

If you have this skin condition, take good care of your skin by using a moisturizer and do not scratch it as often as it is when it recurs. Although there is no cure, you can take various precautions to avoid frequent recurrence and worsening. Handling can be as follows:
  • When eczema relapse, the best treatment is with wet dressing or cold compress. The skin of children affected by eczema is given cortisone and moisturizer ointment, then wrapped in a wet towel. After all the skin is wrapped, let stand for about 1 hour. After 2-3 treatments, the skin can heal and moisture, thus preventing eczema back to come.
  • Avoid the use of products that are common in the market, because they contain chemicals that are sensitive enough for you who are allergic to eczema.
  • Skin should always be given a moisturizer. Eczema starts from dry skin, so the ultimate skin moisture.
  • Carpet at home must be at vacum, at least once a week to minimize dust mite. So also dolls should be washed periodically.
  • Shower with cold water. After bathing, enough skin patted with a towel to dry, do not rub. Only then was given a moisturizer.

However, there are also certain, certain drugs that can help overcome eczema. For example, Antibiotics (when bacteria already cause secondary disease), topical corticosteroids if itching and redness persist after avoiding eczema. If used according to instructions, the drug is safe and effective for treating eczema. Topical medications such as calcinuerin inhibitors also help reduce inflammation in the skin.

Sometimes doctors prescribe an ointment for the most irritated areas and other weaker ointments for areas that have only mild eczema and face-sensitive areas. So do not forget, first ask your doctor about the risks because these drugs can weaken your skin's immune system.


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