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Allergies include disorders that become an important health problem at the age of the child. This disorder turns out to attack all organs without exception. Starting from head to toe with various dangers and complications that may occur. Later it was revealed that allergies cause quite dangerous complications because allergies can interfere with all organs or body systems. Allergy symptoms in newborns are recognizable and identified. Signs and symptoms of allergies in newborns can be caused by various factors. Most often it is precipitated by the delivery of drugs before delivery which can affect the hypersensitivity of the newborn. The most common is the reaction due to morphine administration when administering intraluminal anesthesia.
Another cause is due to infected with a mild virus or mild flu that is experienced by the people around him. While other factors with lighter manifestations caused by the mother's diet when drinking milk and foods consumed including cow's milk. Often doctors or parents difficult to distinguish which factors are the cause, even often every time allergic symptoms arise immediately convicted of allergy to cow's milk and must replace special milk when not necessarily allergic to cow's milk.
Detection and prevention of allergies since the newborn is important because it can prevent or eliminate the natural long-term allergy trip (allergy March). The long-term natural course of allergies is an allergy symptom of every age and everyone will be different. In certain groups under 5 years of age will experience sensitive gastrointestinal tract and skin, aged 5-12 years of asthma and frequent colds over the age of 15 years more sensitive to the nose or sinusitis.
Looking so broad and the many possible allergic influences, early detection, and prevention of allergies should be done. Symptoms, as well as allergic risk factors, can be detected from birth, even possibly since in the womb. Food allergies do not occur to everyone, but most people have the potential to become allergic. It seems that most people when examined have experienced an allergic reaction. But others have never experienced an allergic reaction. There are 3 factors causing the occurrence of food allergy, namely genetic factors, bowel immaturity, allergies that sometimes require trigger factors.
Read also : First Aid In Children Who Have Allergy Symptoms
Allergies can be derived from parents or grandparents in patients. If there is a parent suffering from allergies we should be wary of signs of allergy in children from an early age. If there is one parent who suffers from allergy symptoms then it can reduce the risk in children about 20-40%, to two parents allergy risk increased to 40-80%. Whereas if there is no history of allergy in both parents then the risk is 5 - 15%. In the latter case, it could happen if the grandparents, grandparents or relatives near their parents have allergies.
Clinical manifestations are often associated with allergy sufferers in newborns
- INTERFERENCE CERNA DISINFECTIONS: Frequent vomiting / bloating, bloating, "hiccups", frequent bowel movements (> 3 times per day), no bowel movements every day, BLOODY. Feces liquid, green, sharp smell, sometimes like chili seeds. An umbilical hernia (prominent navel), Scrotal, inguinal (lumps in the groin, areas of testicles or navel or "down") so that pressure in the stomach increases.
- Sensitive skin. Often spots or reddish ulcers, especially in the cheeks, ears and diaper-covered areas. Crust in the hair area.Born black marks like biting mosquitoes. Eyes, ears, and areas around the hair are often itchy, accompanied by enlarged glands in the back of the head. Excessive ears are a bit smelly.
- Yellow High yellow or yellow prolonged newborn should be after 2 weeks disappear often called Breastfeeding Jaundice (yellow because milk contains pregnanediol hormone). Often the question is why most babies with breast milk do not experience prolonged yellowing. Prolonged increased yellowing in infants can occur frequently in infants with gastrointestinal disorders with obstipation complaints and constipation. When scrutinized when gastrointestinal disturbances increased yellow more clearly visible and vice versa when the improved gastrointestinal tract yellow disappeared.
- Mouth hypersensitivity. The tongue is often white sometimes difficult to distinguish with fungi (candidiasis) or indeed sometimes accompanied by fungal infections. Lips appear dry or sometimes on some babies lips are darker or blue. Production of saliva increases, so often drooling usually accompanied by the baby often sticking out the tongue or spraying from the mouth.
- Breath sounds (Bronchial hypersecretion). Breath grok-grok, sometimes accompanied by an occasional cough, especially night and morning daylight lost. Such babies are at risk of frequent coughing or when coughing is often prolonged (> 7hari) and excessive phlegm)
- Shortness of Newborn Moment. Shortness after birth. Shortness of newborns until the age of 3 days, usually will improve 7-10 days longest. With enlarged thymus gland (TRDN (Transient respiratory distress Syndrome) / TTNB). IF WEIGHT LIKE THE LUNGS DO NOT DEVELOP (LIKE RDS). Babies of mature age (9 months) are not theoretically possible to have unfolded lungs. Lung does not expand only in infants <35 weeks gestational age) Such infants according to studies are at risk of asthma (often cough / when coughing is often excessive phlegm) before preschool age. These complaints are often considered pulmonary or terminal infections of amniotic fluid.
- Sensitive Nose. Frequent sneezing, runny nose, numerous nasal droppings, head often tilted to one side (thus risking the "peyang" head) for a dead-end nose or drinking dominantly only one side of the breast. Because the nose is dead end and breathe by mouth when drinking milk is often choked
- Sensitive Eyes. Eyes are often watery or often appear eye droppings either side or both sides.
- Excessive Sweating. Frequent excessive sweating, though using AC sweat remained much especially on the forehead
- Overweight or underweight. Because of excessive drinking or often ask for a drink resulted in more weight and obesity (age <1tahun). Instead of weight loss after age 4-6 months, because eating and drinking is reduced
- Ureter. Urine red or orange (orange) with a little crystal formation attached to diapers or diapers. It is often considered a urinary tract infection when examined urine is often normal not caused by blood.
- Head, palms or soles often feel warm.
- Difficult Disorders Eating and Impaired Weight Loss. Difficult eating and weight disorders can already occur in infants aged 1 month. Under normal circumstances, Baby's weight will drop by the age of 7 days. But after that age, there will be an increase. In normal babies weight gain 500 grams for 2 weeks or 1000 grams for 1 month. in infants who gained weight only 400 grams in 2 weeks or 800 grams in a month or less than that usually will experience weight gain disorder at the certain age, especially age below 5 years. In infants, this group also usually accompanied by drinking disorders milk. Usually bathed his brother drink a little and not for long.
- Breastfeeding Problem: In infants with hypersensitivity disorders of the gastrointestinal tract is often fussy. This discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract makes the baby often cry and fuss. This situation is often considered thirsty so excessive drinking, excessive weight because every baby crying is often considered thirsty. Fake thirst is the look of the baby is often crying, his mouth is often like looking nipples look sucking excessive reflexes stimulated his cheeks a bit already like looking nipples. It is not necessarily because of thirst or not because of less milk. In infants who are often fussy allergies often gastrointestinal a little pain so that when there is an uncomfortable feeling the baby will often like ask picked up. Often biting the nipple so it cuts. Drinking breast milk often chokes, because the nose is dead end and breath by mouth. Drinking milk more briefly on one side, `because one side of a dead end, long-term can result in large breasts next door.
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- ANATOMIC NEURO DISORDERS: Easily startled if there is a disturbing noise. Movement of the hands, feet, and lips often tremble. The legs are often stretched out straight and stiff. Breath Holding spell: when crying breathing stops for a few seconds sometimes accompanied by blue lip lips and stiff hands. Eyes often squint (strabismus). Seizures without normal EEG
- EXCESSIVE MOTORIZE MOVEMENT Age <1 month can be tilted or turned. The head is often moved rigidly to the back, so the baby's body position "curved" outward. When held not happy in a sleeping position, but prefer standing position.
- SLEEP DISORDERS (usually NIGHTLIGHT) restless, back and forth end to end; when sleeping position on his stomach; talking, laughing, shouting in sleep; difficulty sleeping or eyes often open at night but daytime sleep continues
- AGGRESSIVE BEGINNING SYMPTOMS INCREASE, Often pulls the mother's nipple with gums or teeth, biting, licking the hands or the back of the person carrying it. Often biting the mother's nipple for babies who drink breast milk so often the mother's nipple is bleeding
- EMOTIONS INCREASE, often crying, shouting and when asking for milk often rush impatiently.
- ORAL MOTOR DISORDERS: the usual drinking disorder is more noticeable in infants when drinking bottles. With certain dots especially hard ones usually often resist. Usually easier with the dot which is brown rubber but must be soft with cooked with hot water first several times so as not to hard.
Currently every manifestation allergies in infants directly convicted of cow milk allergy. Though not necessarily the baby has a cow's milk allergy. Apparently in a study conducted by infants who were convicted of cow milk allergy when some of the causes of allergies controlled and did not experience a viral infection was able to use a regular formula milk cow. Symptoms of allergies in newborns in addition to food is often most often aggravated when sick or occurs by infection in the form of viral infections, bacteria or other infections. Most often of these are viral infections. In infants, the signs and symptoms of mild viral infections are more difficult to recognize. Usually, only the body feels warm only in the head, palms, and body when measured normal temperature. Usually accompanied by sneezing, coughing occasionally and in certain infant children breathing sounds grok-grok. Flu in infants rarely causes a runny nose usually only a little wet around the nose or a cough occasionally because the cough reflex in infants is still not perfect.Even some doctors assess the symptoms of viral infection is considered as a symptom of the allergy.
In such illness like that there is usually a contact who suffer from flu, fever, cough or other minor viral infections inside the home. Unfortunately, parents are also often not aware that during this often affected by a virus infection that symptoms are not typical. Symptoms of mild viral infections experienced by adult patients in the form of body aches, feel sore, sore throat or sometimes accompanied by a headache. Symptoms of mild, not typical and rapidly improved are often considered "symptoms of unwanted flu," colds, sleep deprivation, deep heat or exhaustion.
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