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Allergies are not only attacked the skin or lungs as we all know but all the organs of the body, including the brain. How to recognize allergies in children?
According to Dr. Widodo Judarwanto, Sp.A of Children Allergy Center RS Bunda, Jakarta, allergic to children is not as simple as expected. Previously, we often hear that allergy symptoms are a cough, runny nose, tightness and itching in the skin. "In fact, allergies can attack all organs and body systems, starting lung, skin, urinary tract, heart, even the central nervous system (brain)," said Widodo.
Apparently, a lot of danger and allergy complications that can happen, so it is very risky to interfere with the growth and development of children. "Risk and signs of this allergy can be known since the child was born, sometimes even in the womb was detectable. So, allergies can actually be prevented early on, "he continued.
What exactly is allergic? Allergy is a collection of symptoms caused by an immune reaction (immune response) is excessive, caused by several causes or triggers. Allergies can be derived from the parent or the grandparents of the patient. "So, if there are parents, family or grandparents who suffer from allergies, we must be wary of allergic signs in children," explained Widodo. If there is one of the two parents (eg father) who suffer from allergic symptoms, then the risk may be decreased in children about 25 30 percent. Meanwhile, when both parents are allergic, the risk of allergies decreased to the child also increased to 60 70 percent.
To know the risk of allergies in children, we must know the symptoms of allergies in adults. "The reason, allergy symptoms in adults can also affect all the systems/organs of children," continued Widodo. Symptoms and signs of allergy can be caused by some triggers or causes, including:
In infants and children, food is the main trigger, whereas, in adults, the effect of food is reduced.
Not food, among others:
1. Inhalation / inhalation: dust (carpet / AC filter), plant flower pollen, animal fur.
2. Contact: soap, chemicals, or metals
3. Cockroaches
4. Mite/mites on mattresses, cotton, and others.
Allergies are often repeated and not controlled it can also disrupt the central nervous system (CNS or brain). Certainly, the mechanism of the occurrence of the disorder has not been explained. "Suspected, CNS disorders are caused by the influence of some stimulant substances released by the digestion of allergy sufferers, which is usually also disrupted. In addition, hormonal changes in allergy sufferers allegedly also play a role in the disorder, "said Widodo.
Brain disorders that occur, among others, recurring headaches, sleep disorders, speech delay, and behavioral disorders. "Behavioral disorders that often occur include excessive emotion, aggressive, overactive, learning disorders, concentration disorders, coordination disorders, hyperactivity to autism," he continued.
In addition to CNS disorders, allergies can also interfere with various systems and other body organs. As a result, certainly very disturbing the growth and development of children. The most common disorder is malnutrition (malnutrition). "The weight and height of the child are less than the height of another normal child his age," added Widodo. Malnutrition is common in children over 4-6 months of age, where children begin to introduce new foods that sometimes cause allergies or disorders. "This results in digestive disorders such as difficulty eating, frequent vomiting, frequent diarrhea, frequent bloating and so on, which are at risk of malnutrition."
Symptoms of indigestion that often arise include fuss, constant crying, colic at night in children under 3 years, babies with a history of dysentery, and babies with a history of recurrent diarrhea.
No need for drugs
To detect allergies, many stages are done. The first is anamnesis, ie see the history of parents/ family/grandparents and history of disease often repeated. In addition, physical examination and investigation are also conducted. "Among other skin test allergy, photo roentgen (plain chest photo), laboratory examination, and others," said Widodo.
Handling allergies in children should be done properly and continuously. "Continuous drug delivery is not the best way. The most ideal is to avoid the trigger that can cause allergic complaints, "explained Widodo.
Theoretically, allergies cannot be eliminated, but can be rarely the frequency of relapse and reduced the severity of complaints. With the age of the child, at the age of 6-7 years, the originator of food allergies will usually decrease or disappear. "However, what often happens, parents continue to provide food triggers allergies in children, with the aim that children are immune and no longer allergic. This is not true and will not alleviate allergic symptoms, but instead aggravates it. "
Source : doktersehat.com
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