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Natural Ingredients To Overcome Seafood Allergies

Natural Ingredients To Overcome Seafood Allergies
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There are times when food that consists of seafood can easily arouse appetite, such as dishes that use shrimp, crabs, shellfish and so forth.

But there are also some people who could have rejected a variety of seafood, although actually in the heart to enjoy the seafood.

The main reason behind the background is because he has an allergy to seafood.

There are times when they will force themselves to enjoy the seafood, although, in fact, he knows the health risks of eating seafood that should not be allowed to eat.

So it is not surprising that not long after consuming this seafood there are some changes to the condition of his body, for example, the swelling of certain body parts or the onset of itching in certain body parts.

Although you should check first to the nearest doctor to get clarity about your health, there are some tips that you can use to overcome seafood allergy.

The ingredients used to overcome the seafood allergy can easily be obtained because it actually uses natural ingredients.

The following are Natural Ingredients To Overcome Seafood Allergies, including:

Lemon Water

Lemon is one of the fruits that are often used in cooking or drinking where the fruit has a major physical characteristic of bright yellow and has a very sour taste.

You can use lemon to overcome allergies to seafood.

The way is quite easy that prepare 1 piece of lemon, then halve the lemon into 2 parts and wring out for the juice.

Then add a little warm water to the lemon juice, then drink this herb and if you can not stand the sour taste then you can add it with honey to taste.


Many people love honey because it tastes sweet and does not have a risk that can endanger the health of the body.

In addition, honey is also known to have health benefits including can be used to overcome seafood allergy.

The trick is you can take honey 2 tablespoons then mix with a glass of warm water, then stir until evenly and drink immediately.

But you should be extra vigilant because lately it is rife with the presence of fake honey on the market, and you will not be able to get the benefits of health optimally if you eat fake honey.

The following are the characteristics of the original honey:
  1. There is no sediment
  2. If dripped into paper then honey will not penetrate
  3. If put in a refrigerator or freezer then honey will not freeze
  4. Can not burn in a short time

Bay leaf

Usually, bay leaves are used as one of the ingredients for cooking in the kitchen.

Apparently, bay leaves can be used to overcome the seafood allergy but can be used to make delicious dishes of course.

The trick is to prepare a clean bay leaves several sheets, then mash until it becomes smooth.

Once it becomes subtle than this herb can you use to be applied to the body part of the reaction due to eating seafood, for example, the body parts that experience swelling, itching or heat.


The reason why nuts can be used to overcome seafood allergy is that nuts are rich in vitamin E content.

Thus if at the time you consume seafood then feel there is a reaction to seafood allergy then you can handle it immediately by eating nuts such as soybeans, peanuts, almonds, and other types of nuts.

Can also use olive oil to be applied to the body part of the reaction due to seafood allergy.

Ginger Water

Ginger water is usually consumed to overcome the body that feels chills cold.

There are also times when ginger water is usually used by pregnant women to overcome the stomach that feels nauseous during pregnancy.

Besides all you can use ginger water to overcome the seafood allergy, the way is to prepare ginger water as much as 1 cup and add honey to taste so that it becomes more delicious.

Treatment of Seafood Allergy

Actually, until now still not found a type of drug that really proved to overcome seafood allergy.

Even if there is actually a drug only serves to relieve reactions that occur due to reactions after eating seafood.

Therefore if you have a seafood allergy then it is advisable to know what types of foods are allowed and which is prohibited which if consumed can trigger a health reaction on him.

Drugs to overcome seafood allergy can be divided into 2 types according to the severity of seafood allergy symptoms.

The first seafood allergy drug is a type of antihistamine drug, a type of drug that serves to relieve allergic reactions or allergy symptoms that can still be categorized mild to medium.

It is advisable to first consult a doctor before you take any type of antihistamine drug because there are times when some of these drugs are not allowed to be consumed by children under the age of 2 years such as alimemazine and promethazine.

The next type of seafood drug allergy is a drug that contains adrenaline.

This type of drug that contains adrenaline is usually given by the doctor to treat severe allergic symptoms in cases of anaphylaxis that are usually used by injection.

When experiencing the reaction of seafood allergy symptoms are usually the victim will have difficulty breathing while the injected adrenaline can help dilate the respiratory tract and increase blood pressure that can overcome the shock.

The Right Time to go to the Doctor

When you or your family members experience a change or reaction due to eating certain foods, it is advisable to see a doctor or a nearby hospital.

This is very important to prevent the possibility of other symptoms due to allergic reactions.

Thus the steps you take will be able to facilitate the doctor to immediately make a diagnosis and make the right decision for the patient.

The likelihood of survival in patients will increase if you also act quickly and respond to reactions from seafood allergies.


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