Test allergy in children - by pixabay.com |
In the last decade, there has been a tendency for allergic cases in children to increase. Allergy problems will be a dominant problem of health in the future. Infectious diseases seem to be diminishing as the public's knowledge of infection prevention increases. Cases of allergies in children have not been paid much attention to the good and right either by the parents or some of the doctors though.
Patients who come to pediatricians or other Child Health Centers seem to be increasingly dominated by allergic abnormalities in children. There is a tendency that this allergy diagnosis has not been widely enforced. In general, signs and symptoms of allergy itself are still much that has not been disclosed by the doctors. So that the handling of allergy sufferers have not done a lot properly and plenary. Some parents who have allergic children often look desperate because the disease often recurs and recur. Though children have repeatedly taken medication and even the most potent antibiotics. Characterized by the frequent movement of pediatricians due to the illness suffered by his son does not improve.
Allergies in children are not as simple as ever known. Previously we often hear from a specialist in internal medicine, pediatricians, other specialists that the allergy symptoms are a cough, runny nose, tightness, and itching. Though allergies can attack all organs without exception from the tip of the hair to toe with a variety of dangers and complications that may occur. Allergies in children are very risky to interfere with the growth and development of children. Risks and signs of allergy can be known since the child was born even since in the womb can sometimes be detected. Allergies that can be prevented early and expected to optimize the growth and development of children optimally.
Allergic problems in children may not be as simple as we imagine. Frequent recurrence of disease, the extent of the body system is disturbed and the dangers of complications that occur seem to be a result that must be more attention for the establishment of Growth and Child Development is optimal. Problems of handling allergies in children that we often find are:
- ALLERGY STILL MISTERIUS Nowadays medical technology has advanced so rapidly especially allergy and immunology science, But apparently allergy cases still many that have not been revealed especially pathogenesis of the disease. Clinical manifestations that attack various organs of the body cannot be explained completely. So that allergy management and prevention cannot be satisfied optimally.
- CAUTION OF ALLERGIES IN CHILDREN In developing countries including Indonesia, the attention of doctors or other clinicians to allergic cases in children is less than the problem of infection. So it often happens underdiagnosis in diagnosis. Allergies are often regarded as both acute and chronic infectious diseases. So many complaints or symptoms of allergy are often treated with antibiotics. Often encountered recurrent Chronic Cough or gastrointestinal allergies with weight gain disorders due to allergies are often treated as chronic diseases such as tuberculosis (TB), parasitic worm infections, urinary tract infections or other chronic infections. Because indeed signs and symptoms of allergy are similar to chronic infections such as symptoms. It often happens that the patient's parents know that his or her child is suffering from allergies after suffering a long time, and even many new children know allergies after changing many doctors.
- ALTERNATIVE MANAGEMENT NOT OPTIMALLY Allergic treatments are often incomplete and thorough, as only relying on the administration of drugs does not pay attention to the originator or the trigger. There is a tendency patient will take medicine in the long run. Though the provision of drugs is a very dangerous term, especially steroid drug group. The ideal action to stop allergic symptoms is to avoid the originator. In allergy management, the most preferred is the problem of education to the patient.
- Recurrent recurrence Frequent recurrence and recurrence of allergic complaints, so often frustrated parents eventually move to several doctors. If allergy management is not done properly and correctly then allergic complaints will be repeated and there is a tendency to stubborn. Provision of medication is only temporary improved and then the symptoms will occur again and again. Even sometimes the administration of drugs also does not cause improvement. this happens because it does not detect or m, avoid the cause of the allergy. The recurrence of such recurrence will lead to increased health care costs. But that should be more concerned is increasing the risk for side effects due to drug administration. Not infrequently the clinicians provide antibiotics and steroids in the long term. After changing doctors usually, parents of new patients fully realize that their children are allergic after experiencing their own if the complaints improve after the avoidance of food without having to take medicine.
- COMPLICATIONS COMPETITION Complications that can be caused is the occurrence of growth disorders: malnutrition, weight gain difficult, difficulty eating repetitive and long. Sometimes also the reverse bias is causing obesity. While the complications are quite disturbing is the development of learning disorders, attention concentration, emotional disturbances, aggressive, speech delay, speech delay, even can trigger or aggravate symptoms of autism.
- Annoying School Achievement Disturbing school performance, due to frequent absences in school lessons and, more importantly, learning disorders, concentration or attention concentration and other behavioral disorders caused by disruption of brain function in allergy sufferers.
- Multiple Nutritional Causes: Patients with allergies can lead to multiple nutritional disorders in children. Double nutrition means it can lead to obesity and weight more or even otherwise malnutrition or weight loss.
- Obesity or Overweight. Allergic and obesity relationships to date have not revealed the cause. But many studies and case reports mention that obesity in children often occurs in allergic children, especially under the age of 2 years. Banyak research revealed obese people often experience allergies or otherwise allergy sufferers are overweight. Allergic and obesity links to date have not been revealed clearly. However, if this is revealed then the role of food allergies and food hypersensitivity as an approach to handling obesity is very important to be investigated further. Cynthia M. Visness et al reported a study in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology on the association of allergies and obesity. About 26 percent of obese children are more likely to be allergic. To analyze this, the study involved at least 4,000 children aged 2 to 19 years. The information studied in the form of allergy and asthma. Researchers looked at levels of antibodies and allergens, body weight, as well as response to fever, eczema, and allergies. Allergic signals are known to come mostly from food allergies. When these children are compared, about 59 percent of obese children are higher in food allergy than normal. Researchers also found in children who are obese, specific antibodies to certain high allergens. Ellen WK in 2003 said obesity often occurs in patients who have food allergies.
- Difficult Eating and Impaired weight gain. Patients with allergies affected by digestive disorders often lead to difficulty eating so as to cause complications of malnutrition or malnutrition. Usually characterized by weight and height are difficult to increase. Digestive disorders due to allergies often occur at certain ages such as 4-6 months or above 1 year. Because when the age is often introduced new foods introduced. If these foods cause allergies and interfere with digestion it will be difficult to eat, frequent vomiting, frequent diarrhea, frequent bloating and so forth. Difficulty eating or drinking milk is often misunderstood because the child is bored with certain foods or because it is teething. Typically, the disorder is usually accompanied by sleep disturbances at night, such as back and forth, fussy, delirious, talking and shouting in sleep or waking up in the middle of the night. Babies who have a history of digestive symptoms such as colic at night in infants under 1 year, have a history of dysentery or with a history of recurrent diarrhea. Risk of digestive disorders later in life, if not treated properly will be at risk of weight problems.
If there is a family history of either siblings, parents, grandparents, grandmothers or other close relatives who are allergic or asthmatic. If the child has experienced allergic manifestations since birth or even if possible detection since pregnancy then should be done early prevention. The risk of allergies in children in the future can be avoided if we can detect early.
There are several prevention efforts that need to be considered so that children avoid heavier allergy complaints and prolonged:
- Avoid or minimize the cause of allergies since in the womb, in this case by the mother.
- Avoid exposure to dust in the environment such as carpeting, thick curtains, cotton mattresses, piles of clothes or books. Avoid the animal trigger (pet animal fur etc., cockroaches, mites on cotton mattresses.
- Delay feeding of allergens, such as eggs, peanuts, and fish over the age of 2-3 years. When buying food get used to know the composition of food or read the label of the composition in the food product.
- When babies are breastfed, mothers also avoid foods that cause allergies. If breast milk is not possible or if you need less use of formula hypoallergenic milk.
- When allergy symptoms develop, identify the originator and avoid.
- Reinhardt D, Schmidt E. Food Allergy.Newyork: Raven Press, 1988.
- Walker-Smith JA, Ford RP, Phillips AD. The spectrum of gastrointestinal allergies to food. Ann Allergy 1984; 53: 629-36.
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