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Babies and milk - by pixabay.com |
As a parent, be it a young mother and father are also very required to pay attention to all the needs of the newborn Baby and fill the family room is more complete. The most basic necessity is the issue of milk that needs to be met. If yes' the mother can breastfeed with breast milk, but what if your mother's breast milk cannot come out smoothly? Surely you will find an alternative by giving formula milk, is not it?
However, the problem also does not just finish by giving baby formula milk. Since not all babies can drink any form of formula milk, it is certain there will be where the baby does not match the formula milk. if it is not suitable, it will certainly cause a lot of danger that is very dangerous also for the health of your baby. Therefore, do not try to give formula milk that does not match the baby.
Well, then you will definitely be required to provide formula milk that does not harm the baby. it is also important for you to recognize more about Baby Characteristics Does not Match the Formula's Milk. The reason if continue to be forced to drink it, then this condition will also cause symptoms that are the very disturbing health of the child.
As I said earlier, not all formula products on the market will be suitable for your baby. But mismatch of some formula milk will also cause symptoms or any of its characteristics also make sure it looks from your child. In this case, there will usually be two things that include why your baby does not fit the formula they consume, which is because of Allergy to infant formula and can also be due to Lactose Intolerance.
It will be very confusing to you if the baby will feel the characteristics do not fit with formula milk because of allergies and lactose intolerance. Because the symptoms of the two things are very similar, can hardly even distinguish them. Even so, the two conditions are actually very different. Here's a quick explanation:
- Formula Milk Allergy. occurs when the immune system of the Little Person reacts to one of the proteins contained in formula milk. This is a common condition often experienced by infants in the first year of life.
- Lactose intolerance. occurs when Little Person has trouble digesting lactose, which is a natural sugar found in milk. Generally, lactose intolerance occurs after gastrointestinal infection due to virus or gastroenteritis, and may last about four weeks before the bowel recovers and begins to break down the lactose again.
Very different is not, of course, you also must know if it will happen to your baby when not fit to meet intake with formula milk. Well, if you still can not see it with 2 different things above. So do not forget I will give another summary of the characteristics of the baby does not match the formula.
Also read : Cow Milk Allergy In Children
Baby Signs Does Not Match Formula Milk
There will be a characteristic that results from the incompatibility of the formula, therefore you are also required to more deeply recognize it. In order not too fatal and of course you can also handle it faster before bad things will happen. Here below the characteristics of infants who do not fit the formula will be caused by formula milk allergy is also covered:
- Reactions to the skin such as red rash and itching, or swelling of the lips, face, and around the eyes.
- Digestive problems such as abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, until sometimes bloody chapter.
- Symptoms of allergies such as colds.
- Eczema that does not improve with treatment.
- Respiratory disorders such as wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing or even severe allergic symptoms such as anaphylaxis need immediate medical attention.
If above was the characteristics of the infant formula allergy that will be summarized as above. But there are also characteristics of infants who do not fit the formula will also be caused by lactose intolerance following review:
- Diarrhea.
- Gag.
- Cramps or pain in the abdomen.
- Bloated.
The symptoms above can also appear within a few minutes just a few hours after drinking formula milk. But from these symptoms, there will also be tips to overcome symptoms in infants that do not fit with formula milk.
Also read : Can Infants Be Allergic With Breast Milk?
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Baby and Milk Formula - by pixabay.com |
How to Overcome Baby's Symptoms Does Not Match the Formula Milk
If your baby will feel the symptoms of what I have mentioned above, then you can also do prevention of allergic reactions that occur. No need to worry and panic to solve the problems that occur, but as much as possible try to move quickly in doing the prevention. Below are also some ways you can do to overcome the symptoms in infants that do not match the formula:
- For those of you who are still breastfeeding or still breastfeeding to the Little, avoid consuming dairy products. Because the protein in the milk you consume will go into breast milk and may cause an allergic reaction to the baby. Do not forget to check the food and beverage label you want to consume and make sure it does not contain milk. Consult your doctor or nutritionist regarding alternative sources of calcium and other essential nutrients that must be met for both you and Little Person.
- For children who are eating formula, you can consult a doctor or nutritionist related to the replacement of formula milk is more suitable for Little. You can replace the formula with a hypoallergenic formula, a special amino-based formula, which can be bought freely or by a doctor's prescription.
- Avoid all dairy products and foods containing lactose. Do not forget to check the food label, make sure there is no lactose or milk.
- Consider the reaction that occurs when the symptoms of lactose intolerance occur in Little. Some babies are very sensitive, while other babies can still digest lactose even in small amounts. If Little is very sensitive to lactose, avoid all sources of foods and beverages containing lactose. If it is not too severe, you may still be able to provide a few milk products.
- If you and your baby should avoid dairy products, make sure your calcium and other nutritional needs are met. Complete foods and beverages Little with a calcium source such as green vegetables, fruit juice, tofu, broccoli, salmon, and citrus fruits. Do not forget to supplement the nutrients with vitamins A, D, riboflavin, and phosphorus.
- You also can still provide milk to your baby with lactose-free dairy products. Do not forget to consult a doctor or nutritionist associated with suitable formula and essential nutritional needs for your body and Little One.
Once you already know the various symptoms of what will be in your child, then try to as soon as possible to do the handling that I have given above. But it's good also if your child will show the characteristics of infants who do not fit the formula. So my advice should you stop giving formula to your child and immediately consult a doctor. But there is also a good idea if you better give your baby just breastfed rather than have to meet the intake with formula milk.
Because the ratio of breast milk and formula milk is far from benefiting the health and life of the baby is already big. Because there is nothing better for your baby's health, other than breast milk.
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Formula milk - by pixabay.com |
Breast Milk Is Better Than Formula Milk
In this article before I conclude this summary, I have also made a little comparative summary of breastmilk and formula milk. So you know more about it, let's see the review below:
- The composition of breast milk may change over time. Uniquely the composition of breast milk adapted to the condition and needs of the baby. On the first day, where the baby's stomach is still very small (amount of peanuts) the amount of colostrum was only a little. Low infant immunity at birth, protected by colostrum whose immune substances contain very high. Infant's digestive system is not perfect, enhanced by milk composition that facilitates the absorption that can be used by Baby's body. When the baby is hungry, and suckle longer on his mother, the milk content obtained will be more viscous and solid so that the baby is full. Changes in breast milk composition also change in the state of the sick mother. When the mother is sick with flu, the composition of breast milk will be accompanied by anti-flu, which can protect the baby from the flu itself. Formula milk is unlikely to have a fluctuating composition.
- Infant digestion is not perfect for the entry of fat, whereas in breast milk has been prepared lipase enzymes that help digest fat, and this enzyme is not present in infant formula.
- Breast milk contains essential fatty acids (including DHA) that are not present in infant formula. These essential fatty acids are needed for the growth of the brain, eyes, and health of the baby's blood vessels.
- Breast milk does not cause the baby to constipate as is often complained in infants who consume formula milk.
- Breast milk contains many easily digestible whey proteins, so babies who get milk will be more or more quickly feel hungry to breastfeed. Often breastfeeding has a very good effect in increasing milk production, especially at night (newborns will be more awake at night, and this is good to increase milk production)
- Formula milk contains more protein with casein types that are difficult to digest the baby's digestive system to make it easier for babies to be allergic and obese. The proof there is research that says that babies who get milk are not as fat as a baby with formula milk.
That's just a little description of the comparison of milk and formula is better for the health of the baby in the future more cheerful again build the welfare of his life. Do not try it for your baby, a little mistake, in any case, will be bad for the baby.
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