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Itching in children is a mild mental disorder that often occurs, especially in small children who are entering the active phase of the move. However, do not be underestimated, especially if the itch continues after treatment is given. If the condition is so, it could be itching experienced is a sign of other health problems. Well, to make sure, let's find out more what itching in children, what are the symptoms and causes, and how to prevent and overcome them through the following article.
Causes of itching in children
There are many factors that can be an itchy trigger in children. The most common cause is insect bites. Other causes include too dry skin conditions, allergies, irritations, germ infections, and psychological conditions. Skin that is too dry can lead to itching in children. This is generally due to low humidity and in air-conditioned rooms for a long time. Meanwhile, itching caused by allergies and irritation usually occurs due to the use of cosmetics, soap, food, and certain clothing materials. In addition, itching in children can also be triggered by germ infections in areas of skin folds, such as the armpits and groin. Usually, this occurs due to the emergence of sweat which then makes germs feel at home for long on the skin of the child. While the cause of itching due to psychological factors generally include anxiety and depression are believed to trigger the onset of itching in children. For that, you need to be aware of all possible causes of itching in children to get the right handling. The sooner the itching on the small is overcome, then the impact can be avoided.
Symptoms of itching in children
Symptoms of itching in children can actually be easily seen. Symptoms of mild itching generally cause the baby becomes uncomfortable. This symptom will then be followed by the movement of his hand that scratches the area of his skin that itches. In advanced cases of itching, there will usually be rashes on the skin. Itchy skin areas are also usually reddish. Well, if the condition is so, it would be better if you immediately bring your baby to the doctor to relieve symptoms as well as overcome them.
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Tips to prevent itching in children
Before itching attack, peep tips prevent itching in children following.
- Keep your baby's skin moist. If necessary, give lotion, especially if you use AC at home.
- Pay close attention to the clothing material to be used. Make sure the material is comfortable so as not to cause irritation to the skin which then triggers itching in children.
- Check whether your baby is allergic to certain ingredients in the cosmetics, soaps, detergents, and medications you provide at home. If yes, immediately look for alternatives to prevent itching in children.
- As much as possible keep your child's mood and keep him away from stress and anxiety for itching in children can be avoided.
- Bathe your baby regularly, especially during hot weather. Use antibacterial soap to eradicate the itchy bacteria in children. Use of anti-bacterial soap is believed to eradicate Staphylococcus epidermidis bacteria that trigger itching in children.
Tips for itching in children does not deteriorate
If itching in children already attacked the little one, do not immediately panic. Be sure to do the following four things so that the itching suffered by the child does not get worse or it triggers other health problems.
- Make sure the nails have been cut neatly so as not to trigger the wound caused by scratching the skin that itch.
- Advise your child not to scratch the itchy skin. Teach him to wipe it to prevent wounds.
- Invite your child to take a bath with cold water because cold water can reduce the itchiness that arises. Cold water is also believed to help reduce the itching in children.
- Watch your baby's food. As much as possible prevent him from eating spicy foods and caffeinated beverages. Both will only aggravate the itching in children.
How to handle the itching in children
Itching in children should not be underestimated. Proper handling still needs to be done in order to provide comfort to the child as well as overcome the itching of the whack. To overcome the case of mild itching, give cold powder or lotion on the area of the baby skin that itches. This method proved to be effective. As for handling advanced itching cases, the use of an itchy reliever can be done. However, of course, its use should be accompanied by prescription and doctor's instructions. If the itch persists, immediately invite your child to the doctor for better handling.
Itching is very common, not only in children but also in adults. But please note that some cases of itching can be a sign of other health disorders more serious, such as kidney disorders. By knowing the causes, symptoms, how to prevent and how to handle the itching in children, you are expected to do the best so that your baby can avoid itching. Sufficient understanding of itching in children will certainly help you to seek the best treatment for your baby.
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