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Dairy is a separate problem in cow's milk allergy sufferers. To determine the sufferers of cow's milk allergy the main choice is the extensive milk hydrolyzate. But some sufferers can also tolerate soya milk. Mistakes often occur when allergy symptoms develop immediately given the partial formula of hydrolyzate or Hypoallergenic milk. However, some babies with mild allergic symptoms can consume partial milk hydrolyzate. Although this milk is actually for the prevention of allergy is not for treatment
- Clinically and laboratory it is often difficult to make sure the child has cow's milk allergy. It is not easy to determine the best milk selection for the child. It is often difficult to ascertain whether a person is allergic to cow's milk or intolerance or reacts to certain content of the content present in the formula. In the face of cases like this, the Children Allergy Center clinic at Bunda Jakarta Hospital carried out a simple open-ended provocation. In the beginning, the patient was given extensive milk hydrolyzate. When allergy symptoms improve, further provocation of the consecutive formula is riskier such as soya, partial hydrolyzate, and infant formula with minimal AA, DHA, palm oil and so on. The most appropriate formula is that which does not cause interference. If symptoms occur in any of these formulas we should choose a formula one level safer on it. When the partial milk of hydrolysis and soya interruption occurs provocation of lactose milk and weak single chain (Monochain Triglyceride / MCT).
- Many doubts about the nutritional quality of cow's milk substitute milk. Doubts are like "soya not fattening", "hypoallergenic milk does not make smart children because it does not contain DHA" and so forth. In general, all formula milk is officially circulating the same nutritional content. Because it follows the RDA (Recommendation Dietary Allowance) standard in the number of calories, vitamins and minerals must match the needs of the baby in achieving optimal growth. The doubt that certain formula milk is not fattening is unwarranted because of the calorie content, vitamins and minerals are no different. The use of any brand of formula milk that is appropriate to the condition and age of the child as long as it does not cause disruption of body function is the best milk for the child. When the incompatibility of cow's milk continues to be imposed, it will disrupt the function of the body, especially the gastrointestinal tract so as to make growth disorders and child development.
- The British Nutrition Foundation, the European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, the WHO (World Health Organization) and the FAO (Food Agriculture Organization) recommend the addition of DHA and AA only for premature infant formulas. Theoretically and clinical evidence of the addition is only beneficial for premature infants because they have not been able to synthesize AA and DHA well. The addition of AA and DHA directly does not really matter because the baby's body is month enough to have websites or produce AA and DHA from other essential fatty acids.
- Some alternative options for cow's milk substitute vary widely depending on the condition of each child. The substitute milk includes breast milk, soya milk, goat's milk, hydrolyzed milk intensive, partial milk hydrolyzate, amino acid synthesis and so on.
Breast milk
- Breast milk is the best choice for babies with cow's milk allergy. Provision of breast milk has been clinically proven to prevent the occurrence of allergies in the future. Meskpiun can prevent allergies, but the diet consumed by the mother was also able to cause allergies in the baby. So the mother should also eliminate certain diets that can interfere with the baby. Mothers should avoid various types of cow's milk or cow's milk-containing foods.
Also read : Milk Allergy In Babies? Here's the Solution
Milk Soya
- Soya formula milk is lactose-free milk formula for infants and children who are allergic to cow's milk protein. Nutrilon Soya is a lactose-free formula that is safe for babies/children suffering from diarrhea or requires a lactose-free diet. Soya uses soy protein isolate as the basic ingredient. Isolate soy protein has a high protein content equivalent to cow's milk.
- As in breast milk, calcium and phosphorus in soya milk formula have a 2: 1 ratio to support the formation of strong bones and teeth. This formula milk also contains essential fatty acids, namely Omega 6 and Omega 3 with the right ratio as the basic ingredient of AA & DHA formation for optimal brain growth. Giving AA and DHA directly on this formula is not too important because the actual baby's body enough months can mensitesa or produce their own AA and DHA from other essential fatty acids in the milk content
- The carbohydrate of the soya formula is maltodextrin, a type of carbohydrate that can be tolerated by the baby's digestive system is injured when experiencing diarrhea or by the baby's digestive system is indeed allergic to cow's milk. Soya (soy) formula milk is more or less the same nutrient benefit than the extensive hydrolyzate formula, but it is cheaper and more familiar.
- In a study of 170 infants of cow's milk allergy found soya milk can be accepted by most infants with cow's milk allergy both IgE and Non-IgE. The development of IgE associated with soya milk is rare. Soya Milk is recommended for the first choice alternative in allergy sufferers of cow's milk at an age above 6 months. But that does not mean that this study changed the soya milk formula under the age of 6 months. Children who are allergic to cow's milk was found about 30-40% have allergic milk soya.
- Patients with allergies with gastrointestinal disturbances, especially difficult bowel movements, constipation, often not improving with soya. But a child with vomiting (GER), grog-grok or bronchial hypersensitivity) response is excellent.
Goat milk
- In some countries traditionally goat milk is often given to allergy sufferers of cow's milk. Goat milk is not milked with complete nutrition for babies .. Very small vitamin content, such as folic acid, vitamin B6, B12, C, and D, but rich in minerals.
- Goat's milk and cow's milk have an identical epitope as an allergen. So goat milk usually cannot be tolerated also by allergy sufferers of cow's milk.
Extensive Hydrolysis Formula Milk
- Alternative substitute for cow milk allergy is milk formula containing milk protein of cow hydrolysis (through special processing). This formula milk is not so tasty and relatively more expensive .. Whey protein is often easier in denaturation (damaged) by heat than casein protein that is more resistant to heat. So the process of whey denaturation can be accepted by allergy sufferers of cow's milk, such as cow's milk evaporation.
- The European Society of Paediatric Allergy and Clinical Immunology (ESPACI) defines the extensive formula of hydrolysis as a formula with a hydrolysis protein base with fragments small enough to prevent allergies in children. Extensive hydrolysis formulas will meet clinical criteria if clinically acceptable to 90% by patients with IgE-mediated allergy to cow milk (95% confidence interval) as recommended by the American Academy of Paediatrics Nutritional Committee. So far about 10% of allergy sufferers of cow milk can cause the reaction to extensive milk formula hydrolysis. Certainly, patients who are allergic to the extensive formula of hydrolysis are unknown, estimated at more than 19%. The experience of casein hydrolysis usage has been done almost 50 years more, Some studies show very effective for allergy suffers from cow milk. The casein hydrolysis milk in the market is Nutramigen (Mead Johnson) and Pregestimil (Mead Johnson). While whey hydrolysis in this last time began to be used as an alternative, and it seems that clinical tolerance is similar to casein hydrolysis. Some examples of whey hydrolyzed milk are Aalfa-Re (nestle) and Pepti-junior (Nutricia). Whey protein is more easily denatured at hot temperatures but the casein is extremely heat resistant.
Partial hydrolysis Formula
- The partial hydrolysis formula milk still contains a large enough peptide that still has the potential to cause the allergic reaction to cow's milk. This milk is not recommended for treatment or milk substitute for cow's milk allergy sufferers.
- This hypoallergenic or low allergy milk is, for example, NAN HA, NUTILON HA, and Enfa HA. This milk is recommended for patients who are at high risk of allergy before showing any symptoms of allergy. Studies show that partial hydrolysis formulation reduces the onset of allergic symptoms that can be induced.
Synthetic amino acid formula
- Neocate is a 100% amino acid synthetic which is the basic ingredient of hypoallergenic milk formula. The taste of this formula is relatively better and more likely to be acceptable to babies in general, but the price is very expensive.
- Neocate is used to treat persistent and severe food allergy symptoms. Like Multiple Food Protein Intolerance, allergy against extensively hydrolyzed formulas, food allergies with weight gain disorders, colitis allergies, GERs that do not respond to standard therapy. Multiple food protein intolerance or MFPI is defined as intolerance to more than 5 main foods including EHF (extensive Hydrolysa Milk) and soy formula milk. MFPA (Multiple food protein allergies) is defined as an allergy of more than 1 basic foods such as milk, flour, eggs, and soybeans. This milk is also used as a placebo in DBPCFC to diagnose cow milk allergy.
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