Allergy Test - |
As a parent, you may feel worried if your child is allergic to something. Actually, allergies are not a scary thing. You just need to avoid some of the triggers of the allergy.
However, in some cases, allergies can harm a person. This is due to undetected allergies or slow handling. In order to avoid these conditions, here are some tests you can do to find out if your baby is allergic or not.
The skin prick test
This test will usually be done by a pediatrician or allergy testing clinic to find out if your child is allergic to something. This test is done quickly, you only need to wait 15-20 minutes, and the results will come out. This type of test is done by stabbing or scratching the skin with some allergens (pollen or food), and the doctor will see if the allergens rubbed on the skin react. If there is a reaction, then quickly the little one will immediately itch in the area being scratched and redness appears.Blood tests
Blood tests are also commonly used to test allergies called IgE (usually known as RAST tests). This test is used to measure a number of IgE antibodies in the blood of allergy sufferers that have been produced by the immune system in response to some allergens (suspected allergies).Patch test
This type of test is done by attaching the allergen (the object) on the skin. For example, the testers will stick little chemicals or certain substances such as detergents on the skin, then whether the skin will experience eczema or not. If within 48 hours (maximum) of eczema occurs on the skin then your child is allergic to these chemicals. This test is usually performed by a dermatology doctor (skin) in a hospital or laboratory.Food test
Testing someone by giving a food that can trigger the occurrence of allergies is not recommended if done not under the supervision of a doctor, because some cases may endanger the allergy sufferer.If your baby is allergic to a food, dust or chemicals, it could be due to a family history or parents who also have allergies. Family history becomes one of the causes of the risk of allergies in children. Consult a doctor about childhood allergies.
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