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Repeated Cold Coughs In Children, Infection Or Allergies?

Repeated Cold Coughs In Children, Infection Or Allergies?
Pregnant mom's -

When pregnant, the female body undergoes many hormonal changes. For example, mothers Many parents often complain, why children often experience coughing colds repeatedly. Almost every month to see a doctor, given the drug and then healed but over and over again. There is also a complaint almost every week against a recurrent cough or cold. If treatment will heal, but only one week is sick again.

Which is often also the question of many doctors who often give antibiotics to children who are sick cough colds. The importance of doctor's knowledge, as well as parents about the rational use of drugs in children, is instrumental in reducing the use of unnecessary antibiotics.

Immunity of the body in infants is not perfect, because that's the endurance of toddlers against the disease has not been strong. In healthy toddlers can experience several episodes of cough colds in one year. If the frequency of cough-cold does not exceed 6 times a year, it is still within reasonable limits. If it is more than 6 times a year, then you should look for the cause to be prevented so that children do not always need to take medicine.

Many factors can affect the occurrence of recurrent cold cough in children. Genetic factors, child endurance, originator, and environment are very influential on the incidence of recurrent cold cough in children.

Parents need to know the symptoms and signs of flu virus infection in children. In general, symptoms of flu virus infections are coughs, colds are often accompanied by fever. Symptoms of a cough and colds occur throughout the day and generally will improve within a week.

When coughing colds very often repeated, it is necessary to find the cause. For example: how the nutritional status of children, generally well-nourished children have good endurance as well. How the sleep patterns of children, because children who sleep less will lower the immune system.

How the child's diet, whether eating vegetables, fruits and drink enough water because a good diet to meet the needs of vitamins and minerals so that the immune system increases. Do children often consume unhealthy foods, such as ice cream or dry snacks, because these foods often irritate the throat so that it can trigger a recurring cough?

What about the child's environment, whether there are people who often cough so often infect the child. Is there a history of allergies in the family, because it genetically affects the possibility of allergies in children.

If coughs and/or colds are very frequent or recurrent have a pattern of time, for example, the only cough at dawn only, or just a cold in the morning only, then generally it is caused by allergies.

Because when a cold cough is caused by a viral infection, the symptoms usually occur throughout the day and will usually improve within a week.

Some things that can be done to prevent children not having cough repeated colds, namely:

  1. Highly recommended all toddlers get influenza vaccinations in order to increase endurance, so as to prevent infection flu virus.
  2. Do not give food that can trigger a cough, for example, food/snack dried, cold drink/ice, spicy food.
  3. Drink enough water and multiply eat vegetables/fruit.
  4. Do not get close to the flu sufferer, if there are people who suffer from home flu should wear a mask to prevent transmission.
  5. Enough sleep, make the immune system is maintained.
  6. While sleeping, try to keep the air temperature in the room is not too cold and airflow do not directly affect the child's body.

Treatment of recurrent cold cough depends on the cause, in general flu virus infection will heal itself within one week. To speed healing, you should drink plenty of water and adequate rest, the flu symptoms will generally disappear quickly. When a recurrent cold cough is caused by allergies, the allergic trigger factor should be avoided.

Many trigger factors that can cause cough / cold repeated because of allergies. But in general, the trigger factors cough allergic cold that is cold air, dust, dust mites, cigarette smoke, animal fur, food/snack dry, spicy food, cold drinks/ice and chocolate. In children with allergies who experience a recurring cold cough, should the above trigger factors are avoided.

Use of antibiotics should be avoided if there is no indication. The cause of infection in a cold cough is generally a non-bacterial virus. Therefore avoid the use of antibiotics when not necessary. In a cough repeated colds due to allergies, antibiotics also need not be given because it will not accelerate the healing, even make the germ more resistant and the body resistant data decreases.

The main treatment of recurrent cold coughs caused by allergies is not taking medication, but the main thing is to avoid allergic trigger factors. Sometimes in certain children, allergic trigger factors cannot be avoided.

When the trigger factor cannot be avoided, then only used drugs to overcome the symptoms of allergies. The choice of medication in allergy sufferers should also consider the safety factor and side effects of long-term use. If allergic drugs are given should be given long-term because the trigger factor cannot be avoided, then use the drug with the least side effects.

The use of allergic drugs that should be taken long term should be replaced with inhaled drugs, to prevent drug side effects. Inhaled drugs/sprays in the form of local drugs, do not have systemic effects on the child's body, so it can be used long-term without any side effects.

So a little description of a recurring cold cough in children, hopefully with this explanation, parents can gain knowledge about the cause and correct treatment of a cough repeated colds in children.

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