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5 Benefits of Soy Milk For Health

5 Benefits of Soy Milk For Health
Soybean -

Benefits of Soy Milk For Health - Soy milk is known as a substitute for cow's milk for children and adults. Soy milk is also low in fat is often consumed by people who are on a diet program.

However, actually, soy milk has many benefits. Soy milk is one of the processed soybeans that have high nutritional value. Soy milk is known to contain 7 grams of protein and 9 amino acids that are important for the body. Protein in soy milk is excellent for child growth, repairing damaged tissue and boosting the immune system.

Soy milk also contains calcium to strengthen bones, iron, riboflavin and vitamin B1.

There is many more nutritional contents of soy milk that can help human health. What are the benefits of soy milk? Let's look at the following articles that will be discussed by Healthy Class.

Benefits of Soy Milk

1. Lowers cholesterol

Unlike cow milk that is high in saturated fats, soy milk fat is mostly not much and noncholesterol. Unsaturated and unsaturated fatty acids in soy can inhibit the transport of cholesterol into the bloodstream. Research shows that regular intake of soy can lower levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.

2. Lose weight

A cup of cow's milk contains about 12 grams of sugar, while soy milk is only 7 grams. This is why the number of calories a cup of soy milk is much less than cow's milk. In addition, the content of monounsaturated fatty acids in soy milk can inhibit the absorption of fat in the intestine

3. Prevent Prostate Cancer

Soy milk is rich in phytoestrogens, plant hormones that can inhibit testosterone production in men. A decrease in testosterone levels can significantly reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Research has proven that men who frequently consume soy regularly tend to have prostate cancer.

4. Menopause More Comfortable

During menopause, female estrogen hormone production drops dramatically. This large decrease can cause some health problems in women, including heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Women in this period are also more prone to depression, irritability, and other psychological disorders. By consuming soy milk rich in phytoestrogens that can replace the hormone estrogen, then women will be healthier and comfortable undergoing menopause.

5. Preventing Osteoporosis

Not only the ingredients in cow's milk that can reduce the risk of osteoporosis, soy milk can also provide the same benefits. To get the most out, make sure you buy soy milk that contains vitamin D.

Overcoming Problems Lactose intolerance

The benefits of soy milk are widely known by the general public. Some children and adults have allergies to cow's milk. This condition is known as lactose intolerance because the patient has a limited lactase enzyme in the body. This lactase enzyme serves to break down lactose into glucose and galactose so that the gut is more easily digested. Due to the limited number of enzymes, lactose intolerance patients have difficulty in digesting cow's milk. As a result, there will be responses such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or other symptoms of stomach pain.

Soy milk is a safe choice to replace cow's milk, especially for infants and toddlers who need lots of protein. Two glasses of soy milk are known to meet 30% of protein needs of children.

Excess of soy milk compared to cow's milk is because there is no lactose in soy milk so the child can digest milk easily.

Helping people with autism

The benefits of soy milk that are not widely known to people is soy milk can help people with autism. Autism is a developmental disorder that occurs in children where children can not interact socially and seem to have their own world. In addition to requiring healing therapy, people with autism are also advised to avoid foods containing milk protein (casein) and protein flour (gluten).


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