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Making a diagnosis of a disease by a doctor is often not as easy as one might imagine. Different abnormalities or diseases often show the same clinical signs and symptoms. So in some cases, there is often a "wrong diagnosis" or a misdiagnosis or overdiagnosis of a disease when a person does not suffer.
Mistakes of diagnosis or wrong diagnosis mean that a person is given a diagnosis of a particular disease but is not necessarily experiencing the disorder. Not only in Indonesia, it also often happens abroad. Similar terms and conditions are termed pit fall diagnosis, overdiagnosis or misdiagnosis.
Many factors happen why it happens often. The main factor is in some diseases that determine gold standard or to ensure a disease with a clinical diagnosis or simply by observing a history of disease and disease manifestation. While diagnostic tools such as laboratory examinations or other investigations are not widely expected because frequent specificity and sensitivity are not so good that it often results in false positive or false negative.
That is, in the laboratory examination of errors that should be negative but when examined the results are positive and vice versa. In addition to the accuracy of bad tools often occur misinterpretation of the assessment of laboratory results.
Here are 10 most common overdiagnosis, especially in children:
1. Allergy to cow's milk.
Determining the verdict of a child suffering from cow's milk allergy is not as easy as imagined. Not all allergic manifestations should be caused by cow milk allergy. Causes of cow's milk allergy are only about 2-3% but in fact, almost all children who experience allergy symptoms, often a direct diagnosis of cow milk allergy. Many infants are initially diagnosed with cow's milk allergy and are advised to drink expensive milk. Apparently when the evaluation turned out that the child did not experience allergic milk sap other cases when the age of o-6 months of cow's milk drinking is no problem but at the age of 7 months was sentenced to cow's milk allergy.
Indeed to convict a cow's milk allergy is not that easy. To determine the sufferers who have been sentenced to cow's milk allergy is the main choice of milk ekelensif hydrolyzate or soya. Often mistakes happen that every child has signs and allergic symptoms are convicted of cow milk allergy and advised partial allergic hydrolyzate milk. In fact, the milk is only for prevention or prevention of allergies or for children at risk of allergy is not for allergy sufferers of cow's milk.
Making sure milk allergy is not easy because under certain circumstances allergy tests such as skin tests or blood tests cannot be sure. Standard gold standard or ensure allergy to cow's milk should be with challenge test or elimination provocation. This is what often leads to overdiagnosis or differences of opinion among doctors in determining the verdict of cow's milk allergy in children or infants. The cause of allergies when examined is also often triggered due to a viral infection and caused due to dust allergy or other food allergies.
2. Bacterial infection.
Another often diagnostic error is that viral illnesses are diagnosed as bacterial infections. Disorders of vomiting, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, cough, cold or other acute infections are mostly caused by viral infections that do not require antibiotics. But the fact that there is mostly overdiagnosis or overtreatment. Many such cases are given antibiotics that should not be given antibiotics.
Also read : Prevent Baby Food Allergy
3. Dust allergy.
Every Dust is most often considered a cause of complaints of a cough, runny nose, sinusitis prolonged. Actually, the main cause of dust allergy is house dust or "house dust". Outside dust is rarely considered a cause of allergies. In fact, many parents think that coughs and colds are prolonged due to building projects around the house.
When examined dust that has been considered as the culprit causing allergies may have to be questioned. It can be proved that allergic complaints such as a cough and colds often arise at night and in the morning. Though the night and the morning dustless. Allergic reaction due to dust is a rapid reaction that should occur more during the day during activity.
Another fact also happens that many parents who have cleaned all the dust, dolls, carpets and plugged air conditioning plasmacluster but it turns out allergic symptoms of a cough and cold do not go away. Even studies in Sweden showed the use of carpet decline, the use of lantanas increased but instead, allergy sufferers increased rapidly. Dust can cause allergies if in large enough quantities such as when entering a warehouse, a house that is not occupied more than a week, when unloading rooms or when sweeping or when wearing or taking long-lasting items stored in warehouses or cabinets.
Dust interference, including rapid reaction, usually does not last long, once the exposure to dust is gone, in a few moments the complaint will disappear. If the disorder lasts long it can be ascertained is a slow reaction, it is this situation that food allergies can often be suspected. Common causes and triggers of allergies are viral or flu infections this is often not recognized by allergy sufferers.
4. ADHD.
Many cases of children cannot be silent, concentration disorders and emotional disorders are convicted as ADHD but it is not. Many normal children also have manifest cannot be silent, concentration disorders and emotional disorders in the form that is not heavy. This normal condition often occurs in allergy sufferers with gastrointestinal disorders. ADHD is the biggest wrong diagnosis in the United States.
5. Typhus fever.
Often a person is diagnosed with typhoid up to more than 2-4 times a year while not suffering from the disease. Typical diagnostic errors often occur because of the specificity of laboratory results of widal blood or IgG and IgM typhoid studies are not good. False positives often occur in viral or dengue infections. Hence, it often happens that people with DBD are also diagnosed as typhoid because the results of positive Typhoid laboratory when not having typhoid. False positive reactions of typhoid lab results are often the case in allergy or hypersensitive sufferers because reactive antibody reactions often result in errors in laboratory results.
6. Tuberculosis.
The exact diagnosis of tuberculosis is difficult because the discovery of Mycobacterium TBC (M.TBC) as a cause of TB in children is not easy. So often there is a misdiagnosis in the diagnosis of TB in children. The consequence is multidrug (2 or 3 types of antibiotics) within 6 months. Provision of anti-TB drugs in children who do not suffer from TB in addition to causing unnecessary expenses, as well as the risk of side effects such drug administration, liver disorders, ear innervation, blood disorders and so on.
In the community and even some clinicians, there is a tendency of non-specific signs and symptoms of TB in children often used as a basis to provide TB treatment in children. Though many other diseases that have these symptoms. Failure to grow or gain weight does not rise, feeding difficulties, recurrent fevers, frequent coughing or small gland enlargement around the neck and back of the head are symptoms that are not specific to the child. But it seems that in everyday practice this disorder is often directly suspected as a symptom of TB.
It should be caused by some other illness. These disorders are also commonly experienced by allergy sufferers, asthma, gastrointestinal disorders and other disorders in children. Non-specific signs and symptoms of TB are very similar to other diseases. Impaired failure to grow and non-specific airway disorders often overdiagnose tuberculosis. Allergic or asthmatic diseases and people who fail to grow with food difficulty are most commonly considered tuberculosis because of the same symptoms.
7. Allergy cold.
Symptoms of sneezing, coughing, persistent colds are often diagnosed as cold allergies. Actually cold is just a trigger or aggravate not a cause. This means that if other causes of allergies do not exist then although cold will not cause a complaint. Cold or AC is often considered the cause of the cause. But this opinion is not entirely true because many allergy sufferers a cough during siesta with a very cold air conditioner does not arise from symptoms of a cough. Until now still not known why the symptoms of allergy or asthma often arise at night. The suspected circadian hormonal role that causes the phenomenon of symptoms during the night and the morning is more common. Likewise, if you look at the patient who was convicted of a cold allergy a while stay. Some time in a very cold valley even lived in Europe for several months during winter complaints of colds and coughs healed.
8. Pneumonia.
People with asthma or hypersensitive bronchial or hypersensitive airways are often diagnosed as a lung infection or pneumonia when it is merely an ordinary acute respiratory infection. This happens because of misinterpretation in reading x-rays. In people with respiratory and asthma allergies often show patches resembling pneumonia pulmonary infection but not. Infiltrates or spots on rays of plain lung infections are common in people with more rough asthma, although these two are often confused by radiologic physicians. So that the treating doctor will automatically follow the results of the Rontgen reading when the clinical manifestations are not in accordance with the pneumony as there is no sign of wet ronki smooth and not crowded.
9. Appendix.
Complaints of severe abdominal pain are often diagnosed with appendicitis when abdominal pain can also occur in various cases. Sometimes overdiagnosis of the appendix often occurs because the symptoms that occur almost the same quality of pain and its location with other disorders. Mistake diagnosis is common in allergic or asthma sufferers who previously had a history of colic during infancy, often fussy when under age 3 months or recurring abdominal pain.
10. Hirschsprung Disease.
Some cases of difficult patients defecate in infants often experience overdiagnosis as Hirschsprung disease. Hirschsprung disease is a difficult bowel disorder caused by the absence of ganglion or intestinal innervation in the area around the anus. This disorder must be confirmed by biopsy and surgery is required to remove some of the intestines.
Also read : 6 Trigger Food Allergies In Children
Some people are convicted of Hirschsprung disease because based on barium photo examination and must perform surgery. Before surgery second opinion to another doctor and elimination of some foods that cause allergies was difficulty defecation disorders can be improved without surgery. Difficult bowel disorders many factors cause one of them is often associated with food allergy disorders.
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