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Showing posts from June, 2018

Impact of Allergies Against Child Growth

Mom and kids - The incidence rate of allergic diseases is increasing worldwide, including Indonesia. A proper diagnosis is needed so that the governance provided is appropriate. An excessive diagnosis will lead to avoidance of allergens (substances that trigger allergic diseases), especially food allergens, which are excessive. This can cause growth disorders, as often many important proteins are challenged and make the child's food choices limited. According to dr. Dina Muktiarti, spA (K), UK Immunologist Allergy IDAI Jaya says, if allergic diseases are not detected, the growth of children can be disrupted due to frequent allergic diseases (eg asthma, etc.) and can also decrease the quality of life for children and families. Food allergy is one type of allergy that is associated with many growth disorders. dr. Dina Muktiarti, spA (K) also notes that there are 8 things that can affect growth in children with food allergies are: a. Diagnosis is late b. ...

Skin Redden, Alert Seafood Allergy in Children

Seafood - Seafood or seafood does have a high enough nutrient content to meet our body intake. In addition, it tastes very tasty, so good for consumption. However, many people experience allergies when enjoying seafood-based foods. Seafood allergy is generally caused by eating marine animals that enter into the crustacean and mollusk classes. Eating just a little can make the whole body uncomfortable. Not only adults only, children can also be exposed to allergies when eating foods made from marine animals. If a mother's child has a seafood allergy, do not panic. Mothers should understand how to prevent and deal with seafood allergy in children. How To Prevent Seafood Allergy In Children All types of food allergies, including seafood allergies, are caused by immune system problems. If one parent has a history of seafood allergy, the possibility of a mother's child also has an allergy to food-based seafood or seafood is high enough. Therefore, you sh...

Two Things That Often Trigger Allergies in Children

Allergy Test - Allergies are a health problem whose case is often found among children. This condition is caused by an overreaction of the allergen-triggered immune system. Symptoms can include itching, rash, sneezing, coughing, and shortness of breath. However, allergens (allergy-promoting agents) in childhood allergies are not always the same. In general, cases of allergies in children are often triggered by two of the following: Food Food allergy is a reaction of the immune system that occurs immediately after eating certain foods. Even eating one bite alone can trigger signs and symptoms such as digestive problems, hives or respiratory problems. In some people, food allergies can cause severe symptoms or even dangerous reactions called anaphylaxis. This life-threatening reaction can lead to a narrowing of the airway, rapid heartbeat, severe blood pressure drop, and loss of consciousness. Also read :  Diagnosis And Treatment Of Food Allergies In...

These foods reduce the risk of asthma and allergies in children

Nuts - Nuts, oily fish such as salmon, flaxseed, and soybean oil are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids that are important in the diet of children. The content can prevent the risk of allergic diseases, especially asthma and rhinitis as a teenager, a study suggests. Asthma and rhinitis affect children since childhood, either because of hereditary or environmental factors. The results show that an increase in the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids such as Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids called arachidonic acid in the blood is associated with a reduced risk of allergic diseases in children. Children who had higher levels of omega 3 blood at 8 years of age were less likely to develop asthma or rhinitis at the age of 16. Also read :  Giving Peanut Butter To Babies Prevent Peanut Allergy High levels of omega-6 fatty acids called arachidonic acids are associated with a reduced risk of asthma and rhinitis by the age of 16. "Since allergies a...

The House Too Clean Triggered The Emergence of Allergies In Children

Baby - Cleanliness is a good thing, but if the house is too clean it can make newborns tend to be susceptible to allergies and asthma in the life to come. The study says babies will be less likely to develop allergies or asthma if they are exposed early on in household appliances and allergens from rats, mice, and cats in the first year of life. The results of this study certainly surprised the researchers who have followed the previous research that says that the risk of asthma will increase in residents who live in urban areas that are exposed to many cockroaches, rat droppings, pet feces, and other allergens. This contradictory result surprised the researchers. Also read :  Allergy Chocolate: Symptoms To Treatment Approximately 41% of children who are free of allergies and free of asthma was living in a lot of areas of allergens and bacteria. And only 8% of children with allergies and asthma have been exposed to these allergens since the first ...

5 Types of Soy Allergy In Children

Soybean - Food allergies in children are an interesting topic among mothers. This reason is supported by the uncertainty about children who are susceptible to allergies, especially food. In addition to wheat allergies, soybean allergies are differentiated into 5 types. Anything? Food allergies are the most common type of allergy found in children. Among these, soy allergy is a common one. This is mostly experienced by infants and children. According to research, soy allergy in children starts from the age of 3 years. Soybeans are included in the family of beans. Usually, some people who have allergies can be one or more of these types of beans. These allergic symptoms develop within minutes and can last for hours after eating soy-containing foods. Some symptoms of soy allergies in children such as tingling in the mouth, itching, swelling of the lips or face, wheezing, shortness of breath, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting or redness skin. Also read...

Overcoming Cough Allergies In Children

Baby - An allergic cough is a reaction caused by the body's inability to tolerate certain substances, such as dust allergy or cold weather. A cough itself is actually a reflex of the airway system to clean it of foreign particles, mucus, irritants, and microbes. So cough is actually a normal body reaction and an early warning of the body if there is a disturbance in the respiratory tract. The allergic cough reaction arises because allergens trigger excess mucus production in the respiratory tract. Problems of an allergic cough in children often enough to make parents become anxious, moreover there is the possibility of an allergic cough can lead to asthma. Because this type of a cough is quite 'stubborn', some parents become impatient to overcome the cough allergy and sometimes provide excessive treatment in children. Actually, if we know more about cough allergy, we can be wiser in overcoming it. Actually, the allergic nature of a cough cannot b...

Allergy In Children - Not A Trivial Problem!

Allergy - Allergies are not only attacked the skin or lungs as we all know but all the organs of the body, including the brain. How to recognize allergies in children? According to Dr. Widodo Judarwanto, Sp.A of Children Allergy Center RS ​​Bunda, Jakarta, allergic to children is not as simple as expected. Previously, we often hear that allergy symptoms are a cough, runny nose, tightness and itching in the skin. "In fact, allergies can attack all organs and body systems, starting lung, skin, urinary tract, heart, even the central nervous system (brain)," said Widodo. Apparently, a lot of danger and allergy complications that can happen, so it is very risky to interfere with the growth and development of children. "Risk and signs of this allergy can be known since the child was born, sometimes even in the womb was detectable. So, allergies can actually be prevented early on, "he continued. Also read :  Allergy Chocolate? Here's The ...

Can Kids Eat Ice Cream When Colds Cold? This is the word doctor

Ice cream - Apparently eating ice cream when a child coughs a cold can actually help to heal. This is the explanation. Children fuss for ice cream when coughing colds usually make parents restless. Because it has become the belief of many people that ice cream can make the flu get worse. But it turns out exactly the opposite. The milk content in the ice that is believed to increase phlegm is a myth, says James Steckelberg, MD, a consultant at the infectious diseases division and professor of medicine at Mayo Medical School Rochester, Minnesota. "Drinking milk does not cause the body to produce more sputum when it hurts," says Steckelberg. Also read :  Milk Alternative Formula For Cow Milk Allergy In fact, Steckelberg recommends people with a cold cough to drink or eat a variety of dairy products such as ice cream and pudding. Because it can soothe pain in the throat and provide calories needed by the body when the child will not eat. If the child b...

Signs of Peanut Allergy Symptoms And How To Overcome them

Peanuts - Peanuts are one of the most common foods can cause allergies. Unfortunately a lot of confectionary products that contain nuts, making it very difficult for people who are nut allergies to avoid it. Peanut allergy cannot even be cured, so the only way is to avoid eating peanuts or food products that use peanuts. Some people may only be allergic to eating peanuts, but others will only show an allergic reaction if eating products that contain nuts. Also read :  Prevent Baby Food Allergy Symptoms of Peanut Allergy The symptoms of peanut allergy can only be mild, but in certain cases, it can also become severe and even life-threatening. Here are the signs and symptoms of peanut allergy: 1. Skin Reactions A person with a peanut allergy can experience itching, red rash, eczema, swelling, redness, around the mouth and face. Skin reactions are one of the most common symptoms of peanut allergy. Antihistamines can help treat mild allergic reactio...

Do not Underestimate Ear Pain In Children

Moms and baby - Ear pain in children under five years is common and can be very painful. The cause also varies and usually occurs after exposure to upper respiratory tract infections. Know the cause, how to prevent, and care for your baby recover from an earache. Causes of Ear Pain According to the FamilyDoctor site, the eustachian channel, the middle ear contact with the back of the nose, will swell and contain thick mucus if it is infected with bacteria or viruses. Other causes are allergies, colds, or other infections. Ear infections are more common in children because the eustachian channels are shorter and narrower than adults. Also read :  Preventing Allergies In Infants Type of Ear Pain In Children There are several types of earaches that children can experience. Otitis media is caused by fluid in the middle ear or behind the eardrum. It usually does not bother the kids and almost always goes away on its own in a matter of weeks or mont...

4 Chocolate Negative Effects For Children

Baby - Chocolate is one of the favorite foods of all circles in the world. Both children and parents all love chocolate. But children are the ones who most like all the food from chocolate. Because it is very sweet finally chocolate crowned as a favorite food of children today. But it turns out there are some negative effects that will arise if our children too often consume chocolate. Negative effects are especially influential on the child's digestive tool. Especially if you eat chocolate excessively, then certainly more and more negative effects that appear. Also read :  Cow Milk Allergy In Children Here are 4 negative effects of chocolate for children: 1. Chocolate can cause stomach ache and even Diarrhea, Who the hell wants our children to get stomach and diarrhea? Of course there are no parents who want their children to experience abdominal pain and diarrhea simultaneously. In fact, many children who experience nausea, abdominal pain an...