Mom and kids - The incidence rate of allergic diseases is increasing worldwide, including Indonesia. A proper diagnosis is needed so that the governance provided is appropriate. An excessive diagnosis will lead to avoidance of allergens (substances that trigger allergic diseases), especially food allergens, which are excessive. This can cause growth disorders, as often many important proteins are challenged and make the child's food choices limited. According to dr. Dina Muktiarti, spA (K), UK Immunologist Allergy IDAI Jaya says, if allergic diseases are not detected, the growth of children can be disrupted due to frequent allergic diseases (eg asthma, etc.) and can also decrease the quality of life for children and families. Food allergy is one type of allergy that is associated with many growth disorders. dr. Dina Muktiarti, spA (K) also notes that there are 8 things that can affect growth in children with food allergies are: a. Diagnosis is late b. ...
information about your child's health